Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beverly 90210, we flushed you.

Yesterday, @alushaness and i decided to get our half-deposit back from the agent as we felt unease about the apartment somehow. There's construction starting right opposite the residence, and we seriously weighted the pros and cons. We both agreed to continue searching for other more reasonable places to shift to.

Our appointment with @AgentSharon was set for 1pm at her office, and having spoken to her over the phone the night before, we knew we were in for a heated argument to get our deposit back. According to @AgentSharon, the owner had requested for a full payment of the deposit (which totaled up to RM6787..WTF!!!!) in consolation of the pull-out. @alushaness and i knew we had to stand strong on the only Black & White agreement we had signed. Whatever we had not signed would not be relevant to the discussion. Here is the ONLY document we had in our posession:

Our copy of the Agreement to Rent was very basic and @AgentSharon did not take the time to fill in the important points. Leaving all these info blank allowed us to get out of this conflict.

The thing is @AgentSharon filled in those blank spots only AFTER we had signed the agreement (probably the night before, right after my phone call..), and her argument was then based on her NEW document. We considered that completely irrelevant f*ck information to our pull-out, since we both had never seen the filled document before. You can't simply make us sign a document and later on add in additional info to it. bodohbodohbodoh.

We kept our cool while keeping firm and confident. @AgentSharon being a professional Negotiator, she assured us (all these in whispers) that she was trying her best to help us, and she left for a while to call the owner and re-assess the case.

DONE, they agreed to give us back our FULL money (DAMN RIGHT!!!); 15min for them to write the cheque, and thef*ckoutofthere we were. High-five @alushaness cause we handled it like pros. who's the real negotiator now :P

CAKAP FRENCH :: négocier (
negɔsje) = negociate

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