Saturday, July 25, 2009

Put your red nose on.

Red Nose Day - The greatest minds in advertising brainstorming.
Do something funny for money. A substantial way to contribute our great work and raise money for multiple charitable associations around the globe. It took place this year on March 13th, and raised £78,237,675 up to date.I can't wait to put my little red nose on in 2010. Must team up and brainstorm on an idea NOW.

I heart a good commercial, really.
But I found myself very controversial. I don't believe in globalization. I believe that every country/person has a different culture which must be embraced and need not to be invaded by manipulators and ideologies coming from the biggest brands out there. But a witty manipulator must get some recognition :)

Durex Balloons -
Latest commercial 2009 (which of course has been banned).
So kiut the spank.

The Greatest Remote Control - Loewe
Brilliant, witty and the greatest remote control. Now i believe. (keep in mind, I am very teh gullible)

CAKAP FRENCH :: bouré (/buʀe/) = drunk / full (double meaning)

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