Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who gonna drop acid on Mickey?

It took me 15longass minutes to log into my blog for a new post. I'm still new at this yet, i do understand clearly what "Sign in" means. But to my great surprise, after typing in my username and password, blogspot brought me back to my very first blog, which dates back from 2005 and had only 3 miserable posts (laughlaughlaugh). One of them deserves a re-post. It's an extract from the book NO LOGO by Naomi Klein. This book is a fascinating journey starting with the birth of branding, leading to mass marketing and how it has affected our society to struggle between corporate power and anti-corporate activism. It is part sociological thesis, part design history, and it goes something like this.

The art of being in-between:

"Following the late ethnologist Michel de Certeau, we prefer to concentrate our attention on the independent use of mass culture products, a use which, like the ruses of camouflaged fish and insects, may not 'overthrow the system', but which keeps us intact and autonomous within that system, which may be the best for which we can hope .. Going to Disney World to drop acid and goof on Mickey isn't revolutionary; going to Disney World in full knowledge of how ridiculous and evil it all is and still having a great innocent time, in some almost unconscious, even psychotic way, is something else together. This is what Certeau describes as 'the art of being in-between', and this is the only path of true freedom in today's culture. Let us, then, be in-between. Let us revel in Baywatch, Joe Camel, Wired magazine, and even glossy books about society of spectacle, but let's never succumb to the glamorous allure of these things."

SPOT ON. (fullstop)

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