Friday, August 14, 2009

Dean Chamberlain does it bright.

David Bowie - Wilderness

I'm bringing focus to Dean Chamberlain who has clearly made the lens his own. I was mostly struck by his portraits of celebrities. It is obvious the man has a distinctive way of storytelling (he carries a strong attraction to do portraits for musicians and artists). Dean uses a deadly slow shutterspeed together with breathtaking lighting technics. There are absolutely no photoshop effects done with his work.

Tree, Root, Steps - Kenny Scharf

Keith Haring

Paul McCartney - Muir Trail

Get blinded with more of his work at Following is the motion video he did for Duran Duran's side project band.
Arcadia :: Missing

I will keep to my 10year plan, and I will be the photographer I want to be in my 30's. I'm using a disposable camera for the time being. Keep it at that.

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